The Government of the Union of Comoros appointed Captain TALAAT HEJAZI as Representative of Maritime Affairs of the Union of Comoros. Meantime, The Government of the Union of Comoros authorize VRS MARITIME SERVICES JLT, which is located in Dubai, to manage the maritime registers of the Union of Comoros.
The Government of the Union of Comoros authorize VRS MARITIME SERVICES JLT, which is located in Dubai, to manage the maritime registers of the Union of Comoros.
At the EXPONAVAL international conference in Valparaiso, Chile (2-5 December), delegates have heard from IMO’s Edmund Hughes, who delivered a presentation on “Energy efficiency measures for international shipping: a key element of a sustainable maritime transport system”.
Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have come together at the Global Initiative South East Asia (GI-SEA) regional meeting to discuss and develop an action plan for the implementation of the ASEAN Oil Spill Response Action Plan MoU. IMO’s Colleen O’Hagan is in attendance at the meeting, which is being hosted by the Marine Department of the Government of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (17-19 December).
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has adopted the International Code for Ships, and related amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) to make it mandatory, marking an historic milestone in the Organization’s work to protect ships and people aboard them, both seafarers and passengers, in the harsh environment of the waters surrounding the two poles. The Polar Code and SOLAS amendments were adopted during […]
Dr. José Eusebio Salgado y Salgado, Mexican academic and author of the Manual de Derecho Internacional Marítimo (Manual of International Maritime Law), has received the 2013 International Maritime Prize, for his significant contribution to the work and objectives of IMO. In a special ceremony on 1 December, IMO Secretary-General Koji Sekimizu presented the award, in the form of a silver dolphin, to Dr. Salgado y Salgado. Mr. Sekimizu highlighted Dr. […]
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has joined with other UN agencies in calling for concerted action from the international community to address the deeply concerning problem of the loss of life, injury, trauma and serious human rights violations affecting migrants, asylum-seekers and refugees traveling by sea. In a joint statement, IMO, along with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations […]
IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), which met at the Organization’s London headquarters for its 94th session, from 17 to 21 November 2014, approved draft SOLAS amendments to make mandatory the International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low- flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code); adopted other SOLAS amendments; continued its work on its action plan on passenger ship safety; and approved and adopted a number of items put forward by the sub-committees. […]